Telehealth in the Mental Health Industry

Mental health is an integral part of the healthcare system. 1 in 5 Americans live with some type of mental illness, yet, just decades ago, there was no robust system in place to help those struggling with mental illness. 

Following American involvement in World War I, physicians struggled to explain why so many soldiers came home in much worse condition than they had left, unrelated to their physical injuries. Soldiers were noted to have fatigue, confusion, and even cognitive impairments. Since what would come to be known as “shell-shock” was invisible to any combination of medical tools, their symptoms were often attributed to physical harm or dismissed entirely. 

Since then, the mental health industry has flourished, both in terms of technological advancement but also in acceptance. While the first mental health professionals were thought to use hypnosis and hypnotherapy to help their patients, modern professionals offer counseling and medical assistance to patients. Today, these professionals are a pillar of support for the many people around the world dealing with mental health issues. As COVID-19 severely limited access to healthcare providers, therapists around the country took to telehealth to continue serving their patients. 

Telehealth allows patients and providers to connect virtually and address their health concerns.Since counseling relies less on in-person care, the transition to this new platform became a more efficient way for providers to treat patients. Johns Hopkins University found nearly ⅔ people have delayed seeking care for a health problem because of scheduling difficulties. Telehealth resolves much of these conflicts by allowing a more flexible option for all parties and increasing access to care for those who may not be able to access a clinic near them.  

The industry has come a long way from its early days post WWI to rely on personalized counseling and treatment. Increasing access to these services has been critical in ensuring the health of people around the world. Telehealth allows an efficient and affordable option to optimize patient care efficiency. Clinics with virtual services are able to offer their services to individuals who are bound by both time and geographic constraints. 


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